And I just can't see Apple making the requirements for Leopard so high, that a 550MHz G4 can't make the cut. Besides, I was already planning on getting a G4 upgrade for my Pismo.

I mean come on, Tiger is pretty damn fast if you ask me. I would of course hope that Leopard runs noticeably faster than Tiger did on my Pismo,(if it runs at all) but if the new features that Leopard has to offer are as impressive as I've heard they are, then I would be happy just to have those features, and see no improvement in speed. The question is (for people like me who have gotten attached to their older macs), what are the system requirements going to be for Leopard to run smoothly on my mac? Now all the big talk is on what new features Apple is going to use in Leopard to once again leave Microsoft light years behind. But heck, there's no way I would trade it in for even a top of the line MacBook Pro. Currently, I am still using an old Apple Powerbook G3 Pismo (500 MHz, Upgraded 8x dual-layer Superdrive, 12 GB HDD, 512 MBs of RAM, and running OS X version 10.4.7) I know I know it's old and slow compared to what apple has on the market these days.